73 pages 2 hours read

Gene Luen Yang

American Born Chinese

Fiction | Graphic Novel/Book | Middle Grade | Published in 2006

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Exam Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1. A (Section 2)

2. C (Section 2)

3. B (Section 2)

4. D (Section 3)

5. D (Section 4)

6. B (Various sections)

7. A (Section 8)

8. D (Various sections)

9. A (Sections 8 and 9)

10. C (Section 6)

Long Answer

1. The novel is structured into three separate narratives (the Monkey King, Jin, and “Chin-Kee”). All three narratives converge at the end, where readers learn that the Monkey King was really “Chin-Kee” in order to be closer to his son, Wei-Chen, and Jin had transformed into Danny. (All sections)

2. The narration style differs throughout the novel. For example, the first and third stories are told in a third-person narration style, while the section story is told in a first-person narration style with Jin as the narrator. (All sections)