73 pages 2 hours read

Gene Luen Yang

American Born Chinese

Fiction | Graphic Novel/Book | Middle Grade | Published in 2006

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Exam Questions

Multiple Choice and Long Answer questions create ideal opportunities for whole-text review, unit exam, or summative assessments.

Multiple Choice

1. Which of the following phrases best summarizes the point of the old Chinese parable in Section 2?

A) That your environment can influence your actions and mindset

B) That capitalism is evil

C) That university is only for people who live nearby

D) That mothers always know what is best for their daughters

2. Which of the following phrases best describes how Jin is initially treated when he transfers to Mayflower Elementary School?

A) With compassion

B) With understanding

C) With discrimination

D) With anger

3. Which of the five senses is embarrassing for both Jin and the Monkey King?

A) Sight

B) Smell

C) Taste

D) Touch

4. Which of the following reasons best describes why “ha-ha” is shown under the drawings in Section 3?

A) It is the script for the Chin-Kee character.

B) It is the lyrics to the background song.

C) It is supposed to show how funny Jin is.

D) It is supposed to mimic a laugh track from a sitcom.

5. How do the deities of Heaven initially respond to The Great Sage, Equal of Heaven’s new title?

A) Fear

B) Desire

C) Curiosity

D) Laughter

6. Which of the following motifs are used throughout the story?

A) The scepter of the Monkey King