69 pages • 2 hours read
Gordon KormanA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement.
Chapter Summaries & Analyses
Graham “Gecko” Fosse waits in a stolen getaway car for his brother Reuben and his friends while they rob an electronics store. Even though Gecko is too young to drive legally, he is an exceptionally good driver. He’s even better at driving than he is at not thinking, another very useful talent in moments like this one.
A man runs up to him, revealing himself to be the owner of the car. Gecko drives off. He circles the block around the electronics store, enjoying his ease and connection with the vehicle. Then he sees the car’s owner again in the company of a traffic cop. Gecko sees his brother and his friends come out of the store carrying piles of video games. He brakes just long enough for the other boys to scramble in. As they get settled, Gecko reflects that his brother had been preparing him for his role ever since he saw him driving a go-kart at nine years old.
The boys hear sirens and take off. As they come around a corner, they see an elderly woman with a pram step into the street. Thinking fast, Gecko turns the car off the road and onto the curb, but he misjudges and the entire car flips over.
Gecko is working in the laundry room at the Jerome Atchison Juvenile Detention Center. He reflects that his fate is probably quite light compared to his brother’s, who has gone to adult prison. As Gecko is folding the uniforms, an attack comes from behind him. His unseen attackers bludgeon him with what he knows to be a bar of soap inside of a sock: “the inmates here could write a set of encyclopedias on how to inflict pain” (8).
Suddenly, the attackers run out and the principal, guidance counsellor, and guard Mr. Bell appears. He tells Gecko there’s a visitor waiting in the office. Once they arrive, Gecko doesn’t recognize the man waiting for him. The man introduces himself as Douglas Healy and explains that he’s created an alternative living program, or halfway house, where Gecko and two other boys will live together with Healy in an apartment. They will attend school, counseling sessions, and do community service. If they mess up, they’ll be sent back to the detention center. Gecko agrees to go.
Healy and Gecko drive to their next stop, the Remsenville Correctional Facility. Gecko waits in the car. In an interview room, four guards bring in Arjay Moran, who is in chains. The guard tells him that Arjay has been convicted of manslaughter. Healy asks Arjay if it’s true, and he says, “I hit him, and he didn’t get up” (15).
Arjay was sent to prison because of the accidental death of a fellow student, Adam Hoffman. Adam was the quarterback of his school’s football team, and the team wanted Arjay to try out. After weeks of mean-spirited teasing, the team attacked Arjay in a park while he was walking home. When Arjay hit Adam, the boy fell and hit his head on a statue, a fatal injury. During Arjay’s trial, the team members described him as an unstable murderer, and Arjay’s lawyer encouraged him to plead guilty to secure a lighter sentence. Arjay refused to compromise his morals and stayed loyal to the truth.
Healy makes Arjay the same offer he made Gecko, and Arjay asks if he can bring his guitar. Healy agrees.
Elsewhere, Terence Florian is on a boat leaving Lion’s Head Island, an “alternative detention program” (17). Terence reflects that as a city boy at heart, his time on the secluded island had been hellish. In the truck, Terence’s counsellor, Kellerman, tells him about the alternative living program and says that Healy requested him specifically. Terence sees the rising skyline and realizes that they’ve driven to New York.
Terence moves into the group apartment, where Gecko and Arjay moved in the day before. Terence inspects the fire escape outside the bedroom window, but Gecko informs him that the gate across the window is locked, and Healy has the key. The front door is also guarded by a coded alarm. Terence invites the other boys to join him in his escape, but they decline. Terence and Gecko get in a fight.
In another room, Healy and Kellerman are going over the paperwork to transfer Terence to the house. Kellerman wants to know why Healy chose those three boys in particular, and Healy admits that they remind him of his own past. He spent three years in the correctional system for an accident, like Arjay, because of his relationship with a rogue family member, like Gecko. Like Terence, he’d been taken from his home in the big city to a facility in rural farmland.
As they finish the paperwork, Healy asked Kellerman what to expect from Terence. After Healy presses him, Kellerman admits the truth: “the first chance he gets, Terence Florian is going to put a kitchen knife right between your shoulder blades” (25). Healy hears the fight in the boys’ bedroom. When he arrives, he finds Arjay holding Gecko and Terence apart. Both have been injured, and Healy’s prized bowling trophy has been knocked over and broken. Healy informs them that fighting will get them kicked out. Outside the window, he watches Kellerman walk away.
These chapters introduce the central cast of four characters: Gecko, Arjay, Terence, and Healy. These opening chapters explain where they come from, show how their backgrounds vary to shape the people they’ve grown into, and hint at the dynamic they will develop together in a closed, contained space.
In this section, we see a brief explanation of why Healy has put together the halfway house program and how much it means to him to give the three boys a second chance. This sets the stage for the themes of growth and redemption that power the rest of the novel. It also introduces the bowling trophy as a motif, which appears frequently as it reflects the boys’ journey throughout the story.
Korman also introduces a few details here that mirror plot developments later on in the text; one is the old woman Gecko swerves to avoid in his getaway car, thereby sealing his fate and that of his brother. This is paralleled later when Terence is pressured into harming an old woman and refuses, thereby sealing off one path and opening the door to another. The other is Gecko’s early interaction with the other inmates at the juvenile detention center, where he lives in fear of them and then has a terrifying experience where they assault him and harm him. Later, Gecko rushes to his friend Diego’s aid when faced with a group of bullies, expecting to be harmed by them but no longer afraid. This shows his growth and the way his priorities and sense of self mature over the course of the novel.
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