82 pages 2 hours read

John Boyne

The Boy at The Top of the Mountain

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2015

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Literature and the Arts as Opposition to Destructive Ideologies

Throughout The Boy at the Top of the Mountain, the arts in general and literature in particular provide contrasts to destructive ideologies and actions. They are consistently connected to ideas like home, emotional expression, and personal identity. While Hitler and his Nazi ideology inspire fear and violence, literature and the other arts suggest freedom and kindness.

In their youth, Anshel and Pierrot are devoted to the creation of stories, with Anshel serving as the primary writer and Pierrot as his first reader and editor. The stories they create together symbolize the closeness between the two friends and the powerful sense of home and belonging they share: “[s]o close was their friendship that Pierrot was the only person Anshel allowed to read the stories he wrote” (4).  Later, after the death of his parents and his arrival at the orphanage, Pierrot loses this sense of comfort and security. The book Simone gives him as he departs for Salzburg, Erich Kästner’s Emil and the Detectives, becomes a kind of surrogate; he identifies closely with the protagonist and references to the novel turn up throughout the rest of The Boy at the Top of the Mountain. Thus, it is a literary work that reminds him of “the person he used to be” (72).

As he becomes closer to Hitler, Pierrot eventually rejects Emil, symbolically severing ties with his roots. Just before American soldiers capture him, he miraculously rediscovers the book, symbolizing the start of the return to his roots. References to other literary works appear throughout The Boy at the Top of the Mountain, including Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels, and Alexandre Dumas’ Three Musketeers (Pierrot’s dog D’Artagnan is named after a character from this novel). In an ironic twist, Hitler turns out to appreciate literature as well; he, too, knows Dumas, for instance. He also encourages Pierrot to read, but his suggestions are dogmatic, bigoted works—including Hitler’s own manifesto Mein Kampf and Henry Ford’s anti-Semitic The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem—instead of works of literature inspiring freedom.

References to other arts are present in the novel as well. For instance, Pierrot’s father is a skilled musician, able to bring “tears to the eyes of visitors,” and when he runs into Katarina years later in Amsterdam, she is playing a violin (6). Likewise, Hitler is an aspiring artist, and Berghof is decorated in his paintings, which Katarina mocks. Yet, in the end, literature is primary. The road to Pierrot’s reconciliation with Anshel begins when he passes by a bookstore and discovers the novel written by his old friend. Moreover, the reconciliation between the two friends takes place in the space of literature, as Anshel writes Pierrot’s story. 

Violence and the Loss of Innocence

The theme of the loss of innocence runs parallel to Pierrot’s evolution throughout The Boy at the Top of the Mountain. While he begins life living with an alcoholic and abusive father, he experiences enough love from his parents and Anshel that he finds joy and comfort in his childhood world. Once that world is taken away, however—starting with the death of his parents, his time in an orphanage, and his arrival at Berghof—Pierrot begins a downward spiral whereby his innocence is corrupted.

A series of violent events are the guideposts through this devolution. The first comes when he witnesses Emma slaughter chickens. While this act does not involve harming any people, Pierrot is still deeply affected by the death of the chickens. Beforehand, when Emma asks him to help with a special job involving the chickens, he naively wonders if “they were going to play a game with the chickens or put them in a race to see which one was the fastest” (117). The slaughter, however, is an act of violence like he had never seen before, and he fails to “understand the enjoyment some people got from hurting others” (119).

Shortly afterwards, however, Hitler begins to exert his influence on Pierrot, with the executions of Ernst and Beatrix being stark evidence. In sharp contrast to his reaction to the slaughter of the chickens, he justifies their deaths by perceiving them as “[t]raitors” that “must be punished,” though he still finds the executions shocking (190). Pierrot has shifted from becoming overwhelmed by the death of a nonhuman (the chickens) to being complacent about the death of two humans, one a blood relative. If innocence reacts strongly to violence, then Pierrot’s is lost by this point.

A third act of violence, Pierrot’s assault on Katarina, demonstrates how his innocence has been replaced by a bloated sense of self-importance and a belief that he is superior to others. Katarina befriends Pierrot when he first arrives in Berchtesgaden, defending him from those who bully him for his accent. Urging him to “just laugh” at the bullies and “let their words fall off you like water,” Katarina is shocked when Pierrot responds by asking “[d]on’t you ever think […] that it would be better to be a bully than to be bullied?” (126). As he tries to force Katarina to kiss him and gropes her while at Eva’s birthday party, he menacingly tells her “[i]t’s time you showed me a little respect” and “[m]ost girls in Germany would kill to be in your position right now” (228, 230). Chilling in their violence, these statements also ring hollow, given that Pierrot has no real importance or stature in the Nazi ranks, despite his beliefs. 

Coming of Age

Underneath all of the darkness in The Boy at the Top of the Mountain and its backdrop of World War II and Nazi rule, the novel is also a coming of age story, albeit a twisted one. Like many coming of age stories or Bildungsroman, it describes the developmental path of a protagonist (Pierrot) from childhood, through conflicts of early adulthood, and into maturation. This arc maps fully onto The Boy at the Top of the Mountain, which begins in Pierrot’s young childhood in Paris, follows him through a range of conflicts in his youth, and finally describes his maturation in adulthood.

The conflicts Pierrot faces in his youth begin with the loss of his parents and home. As he says at the end of the first chapter, “there’s no one. It’s just me. I’m all alone now” (21). However, his struggles are not rooted in his parents’ deaths alone; rather, they are symptomatic of his broader issues with feelings of inferiority and a desire to belong.

These issues awaken during his time at the orphanage and deepen significantly once he arrives at Berghof. Initially, his response to his struggles for identity and belonging is to adhere to Nazi ideology. Once he reaches this stage of development, his conflict takes on a moral significance, as time and again he must decide between what is just and what feeds his hunger for power and acceptance. On the cusp of adulthood, Pierrot realizes too late that he has made the wrong choices, yet nevertheless tells Herta “I was just a child, […] I didn’t know anything. I didn’t understand” (238).

However, he ultimate follows Herta’s advice to take ownership of his wrongdoings, beginning the long maturation phase of his development. Having gone from Berghof to the Golden Mile Camp, Pierrot tells himself in explicit terms “I am responsible” (251). Only years later, after wandering across Europe, does he “underst[an]d that the moment he had put off for so long had finally come,” and that he must return to Paris (254). There, after finally reconnecting to Anshel and telling his story, Pierrot achieves real coming of age. That this occurs in his childhood home brings the story full circle and emphasizes the importance of Anshel’s friendship for Pierrot’s identity.