59 pages 1 hour read

George Saunders

Tenth of December

Fiction | Short Story Collection | Adult | Published in 2013

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Chapter Summaries & Analyses

“Home” Summary

Mikey, a recently returned American veteran from an unspecified conflict in the Middle East, goes to his Ma’s house in his usual way, coming around the back and tapping on the window. They catch up, and Ma uses the word “beeping” instead of expletives as she’s been in trouble at her church job for language. Harris, Ma’s unemployed partner, comes downstairs and immediately asks Mikey “’What’s the worst thing you ever did over there?’” (169). Mikey deflects by asking about Ma’s old boyfriend. Harris questions how long Mikey is staying with them, then encourages Ma to make them some food.

Harris reveals that Ma has found a lump, though Ma later tells Mikey that Harris is a serial liar. Mikey asks about his sister Renee, and Harris and Ma bicker about Renee’s new baby and Harris’s belief that her husband Ryan is abusive.

Mikey goes to Ryan and Renee’s house and hides in the bushes while eavesdropping on the couple and their parents. Ryan’s parents talk about acquaintances they know, the Flemings, who flew a “planeload of babies” to America for operations to correct physical deformity, though they also note how harsh the couple is with each other, then lament that they cannot afford to be so charitable.