101 pages 3 hours read

Neal Shusterman


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2016

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Part 4, Chapters 30-36

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 4: “MidMerican Fugitive”

Part 4, Chapter 30 Summary: “Dialogue with the Dead”

While Citra is being revived, the Thunderhead speaks to her. Citra asks about this since it is illegal for the Thunderhead and scythes to communicate. The Thunderhead tells her that she is currently dead, so the rule does not apply to her. It says that it has been running algorithms about possible futures of the Scythedom and that “in a large percentage of possible futures, [she] play[s] a pivotal role” (334). Even if she is gleaned, the Thunderhead says that will be a critical event in the Scythedom’s history.

Citra asks who killed Faraday, but the Thunderhead cannot answer because that would be “a blatant interference in scythe matters” (336), which is illegal. Then the Thunderhead says it can give her a piece of information that she has a 100% chance of discovering on her own. It says the person responsible for Faraday’s demise is Gerald Van Der Gans. Then the Thunderhead says goodbye.

Part 4, Chapter 31 Summary: “A Streak of Unrelenting Foolishness”

Citra is revived and returns to the jurisdiction of the Scythedom. Curie is there. She tells Citra that the Nimbus agents took her far south, where Xenocrates will have a hard time reaching her. Upon Citra’s revival, however, the Thunderhead was legally obligated to notify Xenocrates of her location.