54 pages 1 hour read

Shelby Van Pelt

Remarkably Bright Creatures

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2022

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Character Analysis

Tova Sullivan

Tova is the central protagonist of Remarkably Bright Creatures, an elderly woman who works as the nighttime cleaner at the Sowell Bay Aquarium. Although she struggles with Unresolved Grief from the loss of her husband and teenaged son, she believes that the healthiest way to face each day is to stay positive and busy. One way she does this is through her daily crossword puzzles. Although Tova is intelligent and independent, she recognizes the encroaching limitations of old age and fears the danger she’s putting herself in alone. This leads her to apply for a place in a prestigious retirement home where she will be cared for.

Throughout the novel Tova has several meaningful relationships, including those with her friends in the Knit-Wits and her growing friendship with Ethan. However, Tova is highly sensitive to imposing herself on others and resists becoming a “burden” to her loved ones. In Marcellus, she’s able to recognize a kindred soul, who also suffers from constraint and impending mortality. She begins forming a new connection with Cameron, unaware of the true nature of their relationship, which offers her an unexpected insight into her past.

Between Marcellus, Cameron, and Ethan, Tova finally learns how to accept the love that was always around her.