54 pages 1 hour read

Shelby Van Pelt

Remarkably Bright Creatures

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2022

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Chapters 40-57

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 40 Summary: “There Was a Girl”

Tova struggles with the newfound knowledge that Erik had a girlfriend. She remembers girls he’d been involved with, none of which knew anything about his final night. Questions circle through her head. Later, Tova’s woken up by a phone call from Jessica announcing an offer on Tova’s house. They work out details, and Jessica agrees to bring over the paperwork. Tova continues to ruminate on Erik’s girlfriend while working with Cameron and inquires about his search for his father.

Chapter 41 Summary: “An Unexpected Treasure”

Tova encourages Cameron to make friends with Marcellus. Tova demonstrates by standing on the stool and giving Marcellus her hand. Cameron takes her place and extends his arm to the octopus. Marcellus wraps his tentacle around Cameron’s arm. While Cameron’s distracted, Marcellus tricks him by tapping his shoulder from behind. After, Cameron sees something shiny in the tank and asks Tova about it. Marcellus shows them the item, an earring, before hiding it away. Tova tells Cameron about how Marcellus returned her missing key. At the end of their shift, they argue about Cameron’s work, and Cameron admits he never knew his mother. They each apologize for their argument, and Cameron tells Tova about his Aunt Jeanne.