117 pages 3 hours read

Alan Gratz

Projekt 1065

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2016

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Essay Topics


Michael wonders, in a time of war, “How did you decide who to sacrifice and who to save?” (86). Does Michael ever reach a definitive answer to his question, and if so, what is his response? Why is Michael’s question so difficult to answer, and so important to the novel’s narrative?


Michael develops two important friendships throughout the novel: one with the British pilot Simon, and another with his fellow student Fritz. Compare and contrast these friendships. How do these relationships influence Michael’s character development throughout the novel?


The author incorporates real historical incidents throughout the novel, such as Kristallnacht, the drafting of 17-year-old Germans, and dialogue from Hitler’s actual speeches. Discuss how these historical elements influence the plot, themes, and characterization of the novel.