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Henrik IbsenA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
There are many ways to interpret Hedda Gabler’s character. What kind of person do you think she is? What reasoning (if any) do you think she has for the choices she makes? Reference the text to support your answer.
Hedda Gabler was originally written in Norwegian, though it has been translated into many other languages. How do you think the process of translating the play changes the original? Consider reading two or more English translations when formulating your answer.
Henrik Ibsen drew from Aristotle when creating his work. Do you think those genre conventions were a good fit for the story of Hedda Gabler? Why or why not? Do your own research into ancient Greek tragedies to back up your answer.
This play contains one of the first and most obvious examples of “Chekhov’s gun” in theater history. In your own words, discuss the significance of this foreshadowing. How does it impact the tone of the play? How does it affirm or challenge the audience’s expectations?
There are several movie versions and filmed stage productions of Hedda Gabler. Watch one of these versions. How was the experience different from reading the play? What choices did the production make, and what is their effect? Write a detailed essay on your findings.
Some critics have framed Hedda Gabler as a female version of Hamlet in terms of characterization, the challenge for the actor playing the character, and the themes of the play. Do you agree with this assessment? Why or why not?
While some productions of Hedda Gabler follow Ibsen’s extensive stage directions and costuming instructions closely, others ignore them entirely. Do you think one of these choices makes more sense than the other? Consider watching several versions of the play to see these choices in action before writing your essay.
Compare and contrast Hedda Gabler with another play with similar themes. Some options could include Machinal by Sophie Treadwell or Long Day’s Journey into Night by Eugene O’Neill.
How does the setting of Hedda Gabler affect the characters and the plot? Do you think Hedda Gabler is closely connected to its setting, or is it a more universal story that could be set anywhere?
Some people argue that what makes a story tragic is that the ending was inevitable from the start. Others argue that stories are tragic because there were other possible endings, but the characters made the wrong choices. Which argument do you find more compelling to explain the tragedy of Hedda Gabler?
By Henrik Ibsen
A Doll's House
A Doll's House
Henrik Ibsen
An Enemy of the People
An Enemy of the People
Henrik Ibsen
Henrik Ibsen
Peer Gynt
Peer Gynt
Henrik Ibsen
The Master Builder
The Master Builder
Henrik Ibsen
The Wild Duck
The Wild Duck
Henrik Ibsen
When We Dead Awaken
When We Dead Awaken
Henrik Ibsen